Varret Cleanoux

Chaos, Cerberus

Name: Varret Cleanoux
Nickname: V
Age: 25-29
Date of birth: 5th sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Height: 165 cm
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship status: Married
Ancient name: Nyx
Main jobs
Post HW & StB: RDM

The quiet and serious type at first glance that doesn't talk much unless he deems it necessary.
At least that's the vibe he gives off to strangers. But once you manage to break trough the cold facade you'll realize how much of a walking disaster he is when away from the public's eyes.
Varret is quite bad at taking care of himself but excellent at taking care of others, unless you ask him to cook. He has a big heart and treasures the scions since they are like a family to him after everything they've been trough. He becomes a real softie around his two husbands, G'raha and A'shuto but if you ever pointed that out he'd probably combust from embarrassment.His right eye is permanently damaged and can only detect signs of aether and light. At first it was just a bad self-inflicted scar that appeared around the time Heavensward took place. After Shadowbringers it turned completely white and he lost all his vision in that eye. It wasn't until the visit to Elpis where he regained some of it in the form of detecting signs of aether and light. He prefers to cover it up with his signature eyepatch.Ever since Endwalker the impression he leaves on people seems a bit off. It could just be rumors and gossip. Some people mention it's like he's sometimes a completely different person.